Pemasangan Parket jati bisa di lakukan di atas Plesteran yang sudah di Aci halus atau juga bila perlu, di tutupi dengan multiplek minimal 15 mm.
Selanjutnya permukaan lantai yang hendak di pasang Parket, di lumuri le
m kayu secukupnya. Kemudian di susunlah Parket satu persatu.
Setelah pemasangan selesai, meju ke tahap berikutnya
yaitu pengampelasan dengan menggunakan mesin khusus untuk meratakan permukaan Parket..

Tahap selanjutnya yaitu finishing yang pengerjaannya bisa di lakukan dengan spray, atau bisa juga dengan Roll khusus.
Dua cara
tersebut di atas mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing.
lantai kayu
lakukan di atas Acian, sering kali terdapat beberapa bagian parket yang ngembal tidak menapak ke dasar lantai yang dikarenakan permukaan Plester Acian tidak rata.- Di pasang di atas multiplek lebih lebih menempel secara keseluruhan permukaan Parket, karena dasarnya sendiri sudah di ratakan dengan multiplek tersebut. Hanya dalam segi kekuatan, multiplek akan segera lapuk dalam kurun waktu lima tahun ke depan.
Adapun untuk biaya pemasangan
arket jati ini, yaitu Rp. 120.000/m2
arket jati ini, yaitu Rp. 120.000/m2

dengan menggunakan bahan finishing MELAMINE IMPRA, dan Rp.140.000/m2 dengan menggunakan bahan finishing POLYURETHANE (PU)
Finishing lantai kayu jati |
INSTALLATION parquet TEAKTeak Parquet installationcan be done on the Plastering is already in fine, or also if necessary in the cover with a multiplex of at least 15mm.Furthermore, the surface of the floor which you want toinstall Parquet, coat of wood glue on taste. Then the craftParquet one by one.
After installation is complete, forward to the next stage ofsanding by using a special machine to flatten the surface of the Parquet ..
The next stage is finishing the process can be done with a spray, or it could be a special roll.
The two ways mentioned above has the advantage
and shortcomings of each.
In doing the above Acian, often times there are some parts of the soft parquet does not tread into the bottomfloor which caused uneven plaster surface.
In pairs on the multiplex as a whole more more attached tothe surface Parquet, because its own are in align with themultiplex. Only in terms of strength, multiplex will soon beobsolete within five years. As for the cost of installing
This teak parquet, which is Rp. 120.000/m2 using IMPRAmelamine finishing materials and finishing materialsRp.140.000/m2 using polyurethane (PU)
The next stage is finishing the process can be done with a spray, or it could be a special roll.
The two ways mentioned above has the advantage
and shortcomings of each.
In doing the above Acian, often times there are some parts of the soft parquet does not tread into the bottomfloor which caused uneven plaster surface.
In pairs on the multiplex as a whole more more attached tothe surface Parquet, because its own are in align with themultiplex. Only in terms of strength, multiplex will soon beobsolete within five years. As for the cost of installing
This teak parquet, which is Rp. 120.000/m2 using IMPRAmelamine finishing materials and finishing materialsRp.140.000/m2 using polyurethane (PU)